Academic MAPP Advisor

Every student at Mountain Springs is assigned an Advisor who also serves as their academic MAPP advisor. The Advisor meets weekly with the entire academic teaching staff, during which time they discuss the student's needs and areas of improvement as well as discuss strategies for strengthening the student's educational proficiency.

Study Halls/Wrap-Up

At the end of the school day, there is an hour long wrap-up period where teachers are present so students can check in with them and get additional support or guidance as needed. Study halls are held as a regular part of the evening schedule and can be made mandatory for a student who has dropped below grade level or needs additional time to catch up in a particular subject. Additional study halls can be built into a student's class schedule if they require added time to complete their work.

Tutoring and SAT/ACT Prep 

Tutoring is available from individuals in the community who are qualified in specific subject areas. Tutors will come to the school after school hours and work with a student one-on-one. Parents can also hire a tutor to work on SAT/ACT prep with their student. Additionally, there is ACT prep available through an on-line support option.