Supportive Environment

At Mountain Springs, our goal is to create a supportive environment where parents and students can grow together, ensuring a cohesive and proactive approach to overcoming challenges and achieving success.

We believe in a collaborative approach that involves parents directly in their child's journey, contrasting with the more detached roles found in residential treatment centers or wilderness programs. Our unique environment is designed to facilitate a seamless transition for both parents and students, empowering parents to reclaim their pivotal role in the parenting process and decision-making.

 How We Foster Parental Engagement

  1. Home Visit Flexibility
    Students must complete a one-month stay before their first home visit. After this initial period, parents, in collaboration with the school and their therapist, decide the timing and duration of subsequent visits.

  2. Active Participation in Solutions and Consequences
    Parents are deeply involved in resolving issues and setting consequences when their child encounters challenges. Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions and work with their parents to find solutions, supported by their Advisor and Therapist.

  3. Enhanced Family Communication
    We prepare families for the future by fostering increased communication. This includes more frequent social calls and the gradual introduction of cell phones and other electronic devices, ensuring parents stay connected with their child’s progress.

  4. Frequent Visits and Parent Weekends
    Parents are welcome to visit the school as often as they wish. Additionally, we host formal Parent Weekends once per semester. These events allow parents to engage with administrators and teachers, review their child’s academic and personal development, and participate in workshops led by local therapists and school administrators on enhancing parenting skills.

  5. Access to Online Webinars
    Parents can benefit from regular online webinars provided by our parent company, CERTS. These webinars cover a range of topics and are delivered by experienced therapists and administrators, offering valuable insights and support.